
I/O Panel window

This window is used to configure a dummy target system, and manipulate created connected parts.

A dummy target system can be constructed by creating and setting connected parts (figure objects and part objects) in this window. The connected parts for which settings have been performed can be moved to any location within the window, and you can manipulate them during simulation to control signal processing.

Information about parts that are placed in the window can be saved to the I/O panel file (*.pnl) by selecting the [File] menu >> [Save]/[Save As...] or by saving the project file.

The saved file contents can be restored by selecting the [File] menu >> [Open...] or by loading the project file.

Caution 1.

If the saved I/O panel file is opened while Simulator GUI is running with a microcontroller different from the one used when the file was created, information of the parts connected to the pins that are not provided in the microcontroller will not be restored (the [Pin Name] item in the property dialog boxes for parts remains blank).

Caution 2.

If inputting of signals is started (by an event such as clicking a button) during program break, the signal level will change in actuality when the program is resumed from the break.


On the titlebar of this window, "Project file name + Serial number (from 0).pnl" is displayed when the project file has been loaded. However, after having loaded a project file of PM+, then if you save a file as the project file of CS+, "Project file name + CS+ Serial number (from 0).pnl" is displayed on the titlebar.

Figure A.61

I/O Panel Window


This section describes the following.

[How to open]


Click the button.


Select [I/O Panel...] from the [Simulator] menu.

[Description of each area]


Client area

This area is used to create and set connected parts (figure objects and part objects) in order to construct a dummy target system (see "[Operation]").

[Dedicated menu/toolbar (I/O Panel window)]

The menu items and buttons on the toolbar, which are used to perform operations related to this window, are described below.


[Edit] menu

Select this menu to perform basic editing actions on created objects.


Undoes the immediately preceding operation, such as object move.

Undo can restore up to 5 previous changes.


Restores the status undone by the [Undo] command.


Cuts the selected range and saves it to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard.


Deletes the selected range.

Select All

Selects all the objects in the window.


Groups the selected objects.


Ungroups the selected objects.

Bring to Front

Brings the selected object to the front.

Send to Back

Sends the selected object to the back.

Bring Forward

Brings the selected object one panel forward.

Send Backward

Sends the selected object one panel backward.


[View] menu

Select this menu to switch the toolbar/status bar display status in this window, or to show/hide various types of information in this window.


Switches on and off the display of two toolbars (Figure/Object).


Switches on and off display of the statusbar.

Parts List...

Opens the Parts List dialog box.

A list of all the figure/part objects in this window is displayed.


Shows/hides the window grid.


Opens the property dialog box of the selected figure/part object.


[Parts] menu/[Parts] toolbar

This menu and toolbar are used to select connected parts (part objects) provided by Simulator GUI when newly creating or placing parts (see "(3) Creating part objects").

In this menus, similar operations can be performed using the buttons on the [Parts] toolbar.

Menu Item





Digital input switch

A button can be connected to any pin. A digital input value can be given to the connected pin by clicking the displayed button.


Analog Button


Analog input switches

A button can be connected to any pin. An analog input value can be given to the connected pin by clicking the displayed button.


Key Matrix


A key matrix consists of multiple pins connected in a matrix array, wherein each contact represents a key, and clicking a key results in a specific state.

A key matrix can be connected to any pin, and data can be input using multiple keys.


Level Gauge


Used for inputting analog data such as power supply voltage. Any data within a given range can be set.

Any value within a specified range can be assigned to a pin connected to an A/D converter.




Light Emitting Diode

An LED can be connected to any pin, and the output from the pin can be indicated by switching the LED on or off.


7-Segment LED


A product that consists of 7 LEDs configured to represent a numeric figure.

When the output from the pin assigned to the digit signal is active, the corresponding 7-segment LED switches on or off.


14-Segment LED


A product that consists of 14 LEDs configured to represent an alphabetic character. When the output from the pin assigned to the digit signal is active, the corresponding 14-segment LED switches on or off.


Matrix LED


A product that consists of multiple LEDs arranged in a matrix array.

When the output from an assigned pin is active, the corresponding 14-segment LED switches on or off.




A buzzer connected to a pin indicates the output information from the connected pin with a bitmap.


Pull up / Pull down...


Opens the Pull up/Pull down dialog box.

Whether a pin is connected to a pull-up/down resistor can be specified via this dialog box.


[Figure] menu/[Figure] toolbar

This menu and toolbar are used to set the operation mode of this window, and select connected parts (figure objects) when newly creating or placing parts (see "(2) Creating figure objects").

In this menus, similar operations can be performed using the buttons on the [Figure] toolbar.

Menu Item





Changes this window's operation mode to the Edit mode.

The cursor shape changes into an arrow, enabling the edit of objects.

Simulation Mode


Changes this window's operation mode to the Simulation mode.

The cursor shape changes into a hand, enabling simulation of input to connected parts (part objects).



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of lines.



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of rectangles.

Rounded Rectangle


Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of rectangles with rounded corners.



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of ellipses.



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of polygons.



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of fan shapes.



Changes the cursor shape into a cross (+), enabling the drawing of text.

Paste Bitmap...


Pastes the selected bitmap file in this window

Color of Line...


Opens the Color dialog box.

The color of the lines of the selected object can be changed to the selected color in this dialog box.

Color of Fill...


Opens the Color dialog box.

The color used for the selected object can be changed to the selected color in this dialog box.



Opens the Font dialog box.

The font of the selected object can be changed to the selected font in this dialog box.

Style of Line


Selects the line style from a cascade menu. The lines of the selected object are changed.



Sets the line thickness to 16 pt.


Sets the line thickness to 12 pt.


Sets the line thickness to 8 pt.


Sets the line thickness to 4 pt.


Sets the line thickness to 2 pt.


Sets the line thickness to 1 pt.

No line

Does not draw lines.

Dotted Line Style


Selects the dotted line style from a cascade menu. The lines of the selected object are changed.


Solid Line

Draw solid lines.

Dash Line

Draw dashed lines.

Dotted Line

Draw dotted lines.

DashDot Line

Draw DashDot lines.

DashDotDot Line

Draw DashDotDot lines.

[Context menu]

In the Edit mode, the following context menus are available.


Copies the selected objects.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard.


Deletes the selected objects.


Selects from a cascade menu.



Groups the selected objects.


Ungroups the selected objects.


Selects from a cascade menu.


Bring to Front

Brings the selected object to the front.

Send to Back

Sends the selected object to the back.

Bring Forward

Brings the selected object one panel forward.

Send Backward

Sends the selected object one panel backward.


Opens the property dialog box of the selected figure/part object.


How to create objects (figure objects and part objects) to construct a dummy target system, and manipulate them is as follows:


(1) Edit mode

(2) Creating figure objects

(3) Creating part objects

(4) Placing objects

(5) Inputting text

(6) List display of objects

(7) The detailed setting for objects

(8) Simulation mode


Edit mode

Change the operation mode of this window to "edit mode" to create objects.

The edit mode can be set by any one of the following methods.


Select the [Figure] menu >> [Select].


Click the button on the toolbar.


Select the [Edit] menu >> [Select All].


Creating figure objects



Select the [Figure] menu >> [Line] or click the button on the toolbar.

-> The mouse cursor changes to a cross (+) shape and line drawing becomes possible.

Drag the cursor from the line start position to the end position.

-> The line start position and the line end position are connected by a straight line. (The line thickness and shape are the default settings.)


Rectangle/Rounded rectangle/Fan shape

Select the [Figure] menu >> [Rectangle]/[Rounded Rectangle]/[Ellipse]/[Fan-shaped] or click the / / / button on the toolbar.

-> The mouse cursor changes to a cross (+) shape and each drawings becomes possible.

Drag the mouse cursor from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the drawing area (rectangular area).

-> The corresponding figure is displayed in the drawing area, with the mouse position forming the lower right corner.

Drop the figure to fix its size.

-> Rectangles are drawn in the same size as the rectangular area, and other figure shapes are drawn in a size that fits in the rectangular area. (The line thickness and shape are the default settings.)



Select the [Figure] menu >> [Polygon] or click the button on the toolbar.

-> The mouse cursor changes to a cross (+) shape and polygon drawing becomes possible.

Click at each position marking an apex of the polygon.

-> The apexes are linked by a straight line in the order in which they were clicked.

Drawing of the polygon is completed by double-clicking.

-> The line thickness and shape are the default settings.


Pasting a bitmap

You can use an arbitrary bitmap file as a figure object.

Select the [Figure] menu >> [Paste Bitmap], and then select the bitmap file (*.bmp) to be pasted.

-> The corresponding bitmap file is pasted in the default position in this window.


Changing the figure object style

The color or line style of the created figure object can be changed by any one of the following methods.


Specify with the [Style] tab of the Object Properties dialog box that is opened by double-clicking the figure object.


Select the [Figure] menu >> [Color of Line]/[Color of Fill]/[Style of Line]/[Dotted Line Style] or click the / / / button on the toolbar.


Creating part objects

You can create part objects by using connected parts provided by Simulator GUI.


Selecting a part object

Select the part object to be created from the [Parts] menu or the toolbar.

-> The mouse cursor changes to a cross (+) shape.

Click any location.

-> The corresponding part object is created and placed with the clicked location as the top left corner (default size).


Changing the part object style

The style of the created part object can be changed via the [Style] tab of the corresponding property dialog box that is opened by double-clicking the part object.

For details on the modifiable items, see the section of the property dialog box which is corresponding to the part object (the items differ depending on the part object).


Placing objects


Grid display

A grid is displayed by selecting the [View] menu >> [Grid].


Selecting objects

The selected types and methods are indicated below.

The selected object(s) is displayed surrounded by a tracker indicating its selected status.


Single selection
Click the object to be selected.


Multiple selections
Click the objects to be selected while pressing the [Shift] key.


Range selection
Drag from the top left corner of the area including the object to be selected, and drop at the lower right corner.


Select all
Select [Edit] menu>> [Select All].


Moving objects

After selecting the object to be moved (multiple selections possible), then drag and drop it at the move destination.


Objects can be moved using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
If more than half of the part bitmap is hidden when the window size is reduced, however, the selected part cannot be moved by using the arrow keys.


Changing object size

After selecting the object whose size is to be changed, then drag the tracker displayed.


Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete/Group/UnGroup an object

After selecting the object, select the corresponding item from the [Edit] menu.


Changing object sequence (Bring to Front/Send to Back/Bring Forward/Send Backward)

After selecting the object, select the corresponding item from the [Edit] menu.


Inputting text

Select [Figure] menu >> [Text] or click the button on the toolbar.

-> The mouse cursor changes to a cross (+) shape.

Drag the mouse cursor from the top left corner of the character drawing area (rectangular area) to the lower right corner.

-> This rectangular area serves as the character drawing area.

Click in the character drawing area.

-> The cursor is displayed and character input becomes possible.


List display of objects

Figure objects and part objects created in this window can be displayed as a list by selecting the [View] menu >> [Parts List], in addition to display in this window.


The detailed setting for objects

Each created object requires the detailed setting (pin connection information, etc.) in accordance with the target system to be used.


Figure objects

The detailed setting can be performed via the [Object Connection] tab of the Object Properties dialog box that is opened by double-clicking the target figure object.

By connecting a object to an output pin, show/hide of the object can be switched depending on the output status of the connected pin.


Part objects

The detailed setting can be performed via the [xxx Connection] tab of the property dialog box that is opened by double-clicking the target part object.

For details on the settable items, see the section of the property dialog box which is corresponding to the part object (the items differ depending on the part object).


Simulation mode

The part objects whose settings have been completed can be manipulated during simulation (input values can be fed to the simulator). Accordingly you can check the I/O results from these displayed part objects in this window.

Change the operation mode of this window to "simulation mode" to manipulate part objects.

The simulation mode can be set by any one of the following methods (the mouse cursor changes to a hand shape).


Select the [Figure] menu >> [Simulation Mode].


Click the button on the toolbar.


For details on input operation, see the section of the property dialog box which is corresponding to the part object