
Format (UART) dialog box

This dialog box is used to set the serial format for the asynchronous serial interface (UART).

Figure A.91

Format (UART) Dialog Box


This section describes the following.

[How to open]

On the Serial window with the UART serial interface, any one of the following:


Click the [Format] button.


Select [Format...] from the [Edit] menu

[Description of each area]


Serial format setting area

Baud rate

Directly input the serial baud rate value as an integer. (Unit: bps)

Transfer Direction

Select the transfer direction.

MSB first

Sets MSB first as the transfer direction.

LSB first

Sets LSB first as the transfer direction (default).

Data bit length

Select the bit length of the transmission data from the drop-down list, or specify it through direct input (default:7).

Stop bit length

Select the stop bit length from the drop-down list (default:1).


Select the parity information (none parity (default) /odd parity/even parity/0 parity).


Select this item to repeat data transfer when the [Auto Send] button in the Serial window has been clicked.


Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, returns to the beginning of the data and performs automatic transmission.


Following transmission of the last data during automatic transmission, stops transmission (default).


For the selectable range, see the user's manual of the microcontroller that is used.

[Function buttons]




Validates the settings and closes this dialog box.


Cancels the settings and closes this dialog box.