19.6 Base Clock Interrupt Information (clock)
Here, information on the base clock interrupt is defined. The cfg600 outputs the file "ri_cmt.h" where the base clock timer initialization function (void _RI_init_cmt(void)) is described.
Only one "clock" can be defined.
Parentheses < >show the user input part.
1 ) Selection of timer channel for base clock (timer)
- Description
Define the timer channel for the base clock.
- Definition format
- Definition range
Select one from Table 19-7.
Table 19-7 clock.timer
Use CMT channel 0 assigned to relocatable vector 28.
Use CMT channel 1 assigned to relocatable vector 29.
Use CMT channel 2 assigned to relocatable vector 30.
Use CMT channel 3 assigned to relocatable vector 31.
Use a timer other than the above. In this case, the user needs to create a timer initialize routine.
Do not use the base clock interrupt.

Note 1 The CMT (Compare Match Timer) is the timer that is mounted on RX MCU typically.
Note 2 Do not select "CMT2" and "CMT3" when CMT channel 2 and channel 3 are not mounted with RX MCU to use, and when relocatable vector assigned to CMT channel 2 and channel 3 is different from Table 19-7 with RX MCU to use.
For example, RX111 does not support CMT channel 2 and channel 3. And in RX64M, relocatable vector assigned to CMT channel 2 and channel 3 is not 30 and 31.
- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: CMT0) applied.
2 ) Template file (template)
- Description
Specify template file where hardware information and initialization function of CMT is described.
This definition is ignored when either NOTIMER or OTHER is specified for timer.
The template files are provided by the RI600V4. The template files may be added in the future version.
Refer to the release notes for MCUs supported by each template file.
Either CMT1, CMT2 or CMT3 might be unsupported according to template file. When the unsupported CMT channel is specified for timer, the cfg600 does not detect error but the error is detected at compilation of the file which includes ri_cmt.h.
- Definition format
- Definition range
- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: rx610.tpl) applied.
3 ) CMT frequency (timer_clock)
- Description
Define frequency of the clock supplied to CMT. Please specify the frequency of PCLK (peripheral clock).
- Definition format
- Definition range
- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 25MHz) applied.
4 ) Base clock interrupt priority level (IPL)
- Description
Define the interrupt priority level of the base clock interrupt.
- Definition format
Numeric value
- When omitting
The set value in the default system configuration file (factory setting: 4) applied.
The cfg600 outputs the macro VTIM_LVL which defines this setting to the system information header file kernel_id.h.