19.20 RAM Capacity Estimation
Memory areas used and managed by the RI600V4 are broadly classified into six types of sections. Subsequent paragraphs explain BRI_RAM, BURI_HEAP, SURI_STACK and SI section.
- BRI_RAM section: The RI600V4's management data and data queue area.
- BRI_HEAP section: Default section for message buffer area, fixed-sized memory pool area and variable-sized memory pool area.
- SURI_STACK section: Default section for user stack area
- SI section: System stack area
- RRI_RAM section: The RI600V4's management data. The size is 4 bytes.
- BRI_TRCBUF section: This section is generated only when "Taking in trace chart by software trace mode" and "Kernel buffer" are selected in [ Task Analyzer ] tab. The size is specified in [ Task Analyzer ] tab.
19.20.1 BRI_RAM section
The RI600V4's management data is located in the BRI_RAM section.
The Table 19-11 shows the size calculation method for the BRI_RAM section (unit: bytes). In addition, actual size may become larger than the value computed by Table 19-11 for boundary adjustment.
Table 19-11 BRI_RAM Section Size Calculation Method
Object Name
Size Calculation Method (in bytes)
System control block
Task control block
Semaphore control block
4 * VTMAX_SEM + down ( VTMAX_SEM / 8 + 1)
However, when VTMAX_SEM is 0, the size of the semaphore control block is 0.
Eventflag control block
8 * VTMAX_FLG + 2 * down ( VTMAX_FLG / 8 + 1)
However, when VTMAX_FLG is 0, the size of the eventflag control block is 0.
Data queue control block
6 * VTMAX_DTQ + down ( VTMAX_DTQ / 8 + 1) + DTQ_ALLSIZE
However, when VTMAX_DTQ is 0, the size of the data queue control block is 0.
Mailbox control block
8 * VTMAX_MBX + 2 * down ( VTMAX_MBX / 8 + 1)
However, when VTMAX_MBX is 0, the size of the mailbox control block is 0.
Mutex control block
VTMAX_MTX + down ( VTMAX_MTX / 8 + 1)
However, when VTMAX_MTX is 0, the size of the mutex control block is 0.
Message buffer control block
Fixed-sized memory pool control block
8 * VTMAX_MPF + 2 * down ( VTMAX_MPF / 8 + 1)
+ (down( memorypool[].num_block / 8 + 1) )
However, when VTMAX_MPF is 0, the size of the fixed-sized memory pool control block is 0.
Variable-sized memory pool control block
Cyclic handler control block
Alarm handler control block
"Taking in trace chart by hardware trace mode" is selected in [ Task Analyzer ] tab
"Taking in trace chart by software trace mode" is selected in [ Task Analyzer ] tab
"Taking in long-statistics by software trace mode" is selected in [ Task Analyzer ] tab
1592 + 8× ( VTMAX_TSK + 1 )

Note Each keyword in the size calculation methods has the following meaning.
TMAX_TPRI: The set value of Maximum task priority (priority) in System Information (system).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_TSK: The number of Task Information (task[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_SEM: The number of Semaphore Information (semaphore[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_FLG: The number of Eventflag Information (flag[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_DTQ: The number of Data Queue Information (dataqueue[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
DTQ_ALLSIZE: Total of size of data queue area. Concretely, it is calculated by the following expressions.
dataqueue[].buffer_size * 4
Note, DTQ_ALLSIZE is 4 when this calculation result is 0.
VTMAX_MBX: The number of Mailbox Information (mailbox[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_MTX: The number of Mutex Information (mutex[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_MBF: The number of Message Buffer Information (message_buffer[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_MPF: The number of Fixed-sized Memory Pool Information (memorypool[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_MPL: The number of Variable-sized Memory Pool Information (variable_memorypool[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_CYH: The number of Cyclic Handler Information (cyclic_hand[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
VTMAX_ALH: The number of Alarm Handler Information (alarm_handl[]).
The cfg600 outputs the macro of this name to the system information header file kernel_id.h.
19.20.2 BRI_HEAP section
The message buffer area, fixed-sized memory pool area and variable-sized memory pool area are located in the BRI_HEAP section. Note, when a message buffer, fixed-sized memory pool and variable-sized memory pool are defined, the area can be located into the user-specific section.
The size of the BRI_HEAP section is calculated by the total of following.
- Total size of message buffer area
This is calculated about the definition of Message Buffer Information (message_buffer[]) that omits to specify "mbf_section" by the following expressions.
- Total size of fixed-sized memory pool area
This is calculated about the definition of Fixed-sized Memory Pool Information (memorypool[]) that omits to specify "section" by the following expressions.
( memorypool[].siz_block * memorypool[].num_block)
- Total size of variable-sized memory pool area
This is calculated about the definition of Variable-sized Memory Pool Information (variable_memorypool[]) that omits to specify "mpl_section" by the following expressions.
19.20.3 SURI_STACK section
The user stack area is located in the SURI_STACK section. Note, when a task is defined, the user stack area can be located into the user-specific section.
The size of the SURI_STACK section is calculated about the definition of Task Information (task[]) that omits to specify "stack_section" by the following expressions.
Note For estimation of stack size, refer to "APPENDIX D STACK SIZE ESTIMATION".
19.20.4 SI section
The system stack area is located in the SI section.
The system stack size is the same as a set value for System stack size (stack_size) in System Information (system).
Note For estimation of stack size, refer to "APPENDIX D STACK SIZE ESTIMATION".