Multiply and adds unsigned word data.
Adds the multiplication result of the general-purpose register reg2 word data and the general-purpose register reg1 word data with the 64-bit data made up of general-purpose register reg3 as the lower 32 bits and general-purpose register reg3+1 (for example, if reg3 were r6, "reg3+1" would be r7) as the upper 32 bits, and stores the upper 32 bits of that result (64-bit data) in general-purpose register reg4+1 and the lower 32 bits in general-purpose register reg4.
The contents of general-purpose registers reg1 and reg2 are treated as 32-bit unsigned integers.
General-purpose registers reg1, reg2, reg3, and reg3+1 are unaffected.
The assembler generates one macu machine instruction.
The general-purpose registers that can be specified to reg3 or reg4 are limited to even numbered registers (r0, r2, r4, ..., r30). When specifying an odd numbered register, the following message is output, and assembly continues, specifying the register as an even numbered register (r0, r2, r4, ..., r30). |