
This function is used to display the maximum and average values of data on current consumption data that have been acquired.

This function also outputs current consumption data to an XML file. [RL78/G10,G12,G13,G14][Simulator]

[Specification format]

debugger.CurrentConsumption.Get(fileName = "", force = False)





Specify the full path of the XML file name to which current consumption data will be saved (default: not specified).


Specify whether to overwrite the XML file.

True: Overwrite the XML file.

False: Do not overwrite the XML file (default).

[Return value]

Information of current consumption data (see the CurrentConsumptionInfo class for detail)

[Detailed description]


The current consumption data is shown by the following format.

Max = maximum-current(uA), Average = average-current(uA)


When fileName is not specified, then current consumption data will not be saved to an XML file.


The format of the XML file to be saved is as follows.


There is a possibility that the format will be changed in the future.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <DateTime>YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss</DateTime>  ... Time on which the file was created
     <Module no="0" name="Peripheral function name0" />    ... ID number definition of the peripheral function
     <Module no="1" name="Peripheral function name1" />
     <Module no="n" name="Peripheral function namen" />
     <!-- Frame n=FrameNo Address;Time(ns);ModuleNo,Current(uA);... -->
   <F n="Frame number0">Execution address;Elapsed time from measurement start(ns);0,Current consumption value of peripheral function0(uA);1,Current consumption value of peripheral function1(uA);...;</F>
   <F n="Frame number1">Execution address;Elapsed time from measurement start(ns);0,Current consumption value of peripheral function0(uA);1,Current consumption value of peripheral function1(uA);...;</F>

Caution 1.

The consumption current value is estimated from typical current value of the actual device. This value is approximated value as MCU alone. Not including the current values of other parts.

Caution 2.

The maximum length of the consumption current calculation is 200,000 current changing points. If the changing current points reach maximum length, the user program execution is stopped.

[Example of use]

Max = 1020.30, Average = 300.20