This function refers to the software trace data for the specified number of frames.
This function also outputs the acquired software trace data to a file. [RH850]
[Specification format]
debugger.SoftwareTrace.Get(frameCount, fileName = "", append = False)
Specify the number of frames for which software trace data is acquired.
Specify the full path of the file name to which data will be output (default: not specified).
Specify whether to append software trace data to the file.
True: Append software trace data to the file.
False: Do not append software trace data to the file (default).
[Return value]
Software trace data (see the SoftwareTraceInfo class for detail)
If there is no data, None is set.
[Detailed description]
- | The software trace data is shown by the following format. |
When the microcontroller is single core:
number-of-frames timestamp PC DBCP
number-of-frames timestamp PC category data DBTAG
number-of-frames timestamp category data DBTAG
number-of-frames timestamp PC register-ID register-data DBPUSH
number-of-frames timestamp register-ID register-data DBPUSH
When the microcontroller is multi-core:
number-of-frames PE-number timestamp PC DBCP
number-of-frames PE-number timestamp PC category data DBTAG
number-of-frames PE-number timestamp category data DBTAG
number-of-frames PE-number timestamp PC register-ID register-data DBPUSH
number-of-frames PE-number timestamp register-ID register-data DBPUSH
[Example of use]
>>>trace = debugger.SoftwareTrace.Get(100)
99 00h00min00s003ms702us000ns 0x00001028 0x03 0x20 DBTAG
99 00h00min00s003ms702us000ns 0x00001030 0x03 0x0020 DBPUSH
100 00h00min00s003ms702us000ns 0x00001032 DBCP