
This function references the result of the action event (Printf event).

[Specification format]

debugger.ActionEvent.Get(output = "")





Specify the string to be attached when the result of an action event is output (default: not specified).

Note that this argument should be specified when wishing to acquire only a result matching this argument.

[Return value]

List of result of action event (see the ActionInfo class for detail)

[Detailed description]


This function holds the result acquired when executing the instruction at the address set as a condition of an action event (Printf event) in the Python console, and all results held up to that moment will be referenced at the timing of this function debugger.ActionEvent.Get being called.


If output is specified, only the result matching output is output. Comparison is performed to detect a perfect match.


If output is not specified, the results of all accumulated action events are output.


To acquire the result at the timing when an action event has occurred, use Hook. For the maximum number of results that can be held in the Python console, see the debugger.ActionEvent.GetLine property.


After a result has been referenced, the result of the action event which was held in the Python console is initialized. Therefore, once a result has been referenced, it cannot be referenced again.


The result of an action event is displayed in the following format.

string-to-be-attached-at-output variable-expression

[Example of use]

>>>ae = ActionEventCondition()
>>>ae.Address = "main"
>>>ae.Output = "result "
>>>ae.Expression = "chData"
>>>ae.ActionEventType = ActionEventType.Printf
>>>ae_number = debugger.ActionEvent.Set(ae)
>>>out = debugger.ActionEvent.Get()
result chData=0x64
result chData=0x65
result chData=0x66
>>>print out[0].Address
>>>print out[0].Expression