
This function sets a software trace. [RH850]


[Except simulator]
When software trace is set, trace data cannot be acquired. Either delete the software trace setting or disable software trace.
Use debugger.SoftwareTrace.Delete to delete the software trace setting and use debugger.SoftwareTrace.Disable to disable software trace.

[Specification format]

debugger.SoftwareTrace.Set(DBCP, DBTAG, DBPUSH, PC = True)





Specify whether to acquire the results of DBCP.

True: Acquire the results of DBCP.

False: Do not acquire the results of DBCP.


Specify whether to acquire the results of DBTAG.

True: Acquire the results of DBTAG.

False: Do not acquire the results of DBTAG.


Specify whether to acquire the results of DBPUSH.

True: Acquire the results of DBPUSH.

False: Do not acquire the results of DBPUSH.


Specify whether to include information of the PC address in the results of DBTAG and DBPUSH.

True: Include information of the PC address (default).

False: Do not include information of the PC address.

[Return value]

If a software trace was set successfully: True

If there was an error when setting a software trace: False

[Detailed description]


This function sets a software trace.

[Example of use]
