This function displays a list of the IORs and SFRs.
[Specification format]
debugger.GetIORList(category = "")
Specify the category in which IORs and SFRs are defined (default: not specified).
[Return value]
List of IOR and SFR information (see the IORInfo class for detail)
[Detailed description]
- | This function displays a list of the IORs and SFRs of the active project. |
- | This function displays a list of the IORs and SFRs defined in category. |
- | If category is not specified, a list of all IORs and SFRs. |
- | This function displays a list of the IORs and SFRs in the following format. |
IOR-or-SFR-name value type size address
[Example of use]
>>> ior = debugger.GetIORList()
AD0.ADDRA 0x0000 IOR 2 0x00088040
AD0.ADDRB 0x0000 IOR 2 0x00088042
AD0.ADDRC 0x0000 IOR 2 0x00088044
>>> print ior[0].IORName
>>> print funcinfo[0].Type
>>> print funcinfo[0].Address
>>> debugger.GetIORList("DMA0")
DMAC0.DMCSA 0x00000000 IOR 4 0x00082000
DMAC0.DMMOD.SMOD 0x0 IOR 3bits 0x8200c.12
DMAC0.DMMOD.SZSEL 0x0 IOR 3bits 0x8200c.16