Interrupt functions
Below is a list of API functions output by the Code Generator for interrupt functions use.
Table 3.40 API Functions: [Interrupt Functions]
API Function Name |
Function |
Performs initialization necessary to control the interrupt functions. | |
Performs user-defined initialization relating to the interrupt functions. | |
Performs processing in response to the external maskable interrupt INTPn. | |
Enables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTPn. | |
Disables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTPn. | |
Performs processing in response to the external maskable interrupt INTPLRn. | |
Enables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTPLRn. | |
Disables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTPLRn. | |
Performs processing in response to the external maskable interrupt INTRTCICn. | |
Enables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTRTCICn. | |
Disables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTRTCICn. | |
Enables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTFO. | |
Disables the acceptance of the external maskable interrupts INTFO. | |
Clears INTFCLR flag of Interrupt flag output control register 1 (INTFOCTL1). | |
Performs processing in response to the external maskable interrupt INTFO. |